Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hello, hello I'm back again

I’m back. Or actually, I’ve never been away but I fancied a break from the nightly blogging ritual.

I wish I could say that I’ve used the time to undertake a number of unique, exciting experiences, but in reality I’ve been sitting on my arse and working my way through a backlog of books, listening to music and staring mindlessly out of the window to watch the weather which has switched from summer to winter, as distinctly as if someone had thrown a switch. I like this time of year. It encourages introspection, and there’s a cosiness in being curled up inside, warm, while the world outside chitters and shivers, and vegetation denudes itself in the space of a few days.

For those of you who voted yes in the Is She or Isn’t She poll (on Livejournal) you were right. We now have a thoroughly pregnant pussy, waddling and mewing her way to impending motherhood. Douglas has built an intended refuge for her which he’s emblazoned with the sign “St Kitts Maternity Hospital” and contrary to expectations she has been spending time in there, sticking her grey furred nose out occasionally to regard us with a blissfully affectionate expression. She’ll still end up having her kittens under the bed or somesuch, mind you.

I’ve also (and how sad is this?) completed my Christmas shopping. A few nights investment browsing the internet avoids the stress of shops and indecision and inflated prices that come later on the year. Yes, I know that you really don’t want to be reminded of Christmas and that you, like me, look at the array of Christmas goods in the shops stacked alongside the Halloween decorations with something akin to horror, But I’m free of it. I can watch everyone else dashing around with the panic of bluebottles that have just discovered that the tasty morsel they ingested was in fact leftover double-strength phal, and sit back and chuckle my most fiendish chuckle. I will, in fact, be reminding you of this on a regular basis between now and December. Take heed.

Now I’m off to catch up on a fortnight’s worth of friends’ entries, which will probably take a few days. Be patent with me, I’ll get there eventually.

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